Five home improvement projects to do this winter

Five home improvement projects to do this winter

Winter is a great time to take a chunk out of your to-do list as a homeowner. Here is a list of five home projects you can knock out before the weather starts to warm up and you’re occupied outdoors.

This should be done at the start of winter, but may need done again. Furnace filters typically last about three months during the winter when your furnace runs a lot, so you may want to do it once more as we hit the home stretch.

This is a fairly easy and inexpensive project. You just need to learn what size and type of furnace filter you need. Furnace filters can start at $10, but “you get what you pay for.” Higher quality filters can be worth the cost, especially if you’re prone to allergies. Once you have the right filter, replacing the old one just takes a few minutes.


You can reduce heat loss and save money by adding pipe insulation to water pipes. An added benefit is that you won’t have to wait as long for the hot water to start flowing from your shower or faucet.

This is another inexpensive and easy project. Some insulate pipes with layers of newspaper and duct tape, which works great, however, pipe insulation is a little more efficient and doesn’t cost much more. Depending on how many pipes and what type of insulation you choose, adding insulation to your water pipes can take up to an hour.